SAP Program RWRFTRF - OTB Transfer for Changes in Material Hierarchy

In the article hierarchy, you can define any number of validity periods(though without overlaps for an assignment) for all node and end nodeassignments. You can change future validity periods. You can change theend date for current periods as long as it does not lead to any gaps.
If you make a change in the article hierarchy that

  • leads to a change in the budget bucket assignment

  • and purchase documents already exist in the system for these budget
  • buckets
    then you must modify the OTB budgets, internal contract apportionments,and the relevant purchasing documents.
    For performance reasons, the OTB transfer posting activities takes placeat a different time from the change to the article hierarchy. When thearticle hierarchy is changed, the system creates transfer postingrecords that contain all the required information to enable the OTBtransfer posting to take place later.
    Use this report to select all transfer posting records that have not yetbeen processed and carry out all the required transfer postingactivities.
    The log is saved in the application log. You can display the log inonline and background processing in the transaction SLG1 (objectWRF_PRC, subobject OTB_REORG) or delete it in the transaction SLG2. Inonline processing, the system also displays the log in the follow-onscreen.