Purpose Features
For more information about internal number assignment see Material ->Material Number. Segment filters Using segment filters, you can determine the data segments of thegeneral and additional material data that the system is to copy. Key filters If you want to copy the segments of a material that exist more thanonce, you can define the organization levels to be copied using the keyfilter. For example, you can only copy certain distribution chains fromthe source material to the target material. Variant filters When you copy data from a generic material to another generic material,you can use the variant filter to define which variants of the sourcematerial the system is to copy. Alternative variants When you copy data from one generic material to another genericmaterial, and you are not using a variant filter but set this indicator,the system copies all variants without taking any variances intoaccount. Plant variances If you set this indicator, the system copies all site data from thesource material to the target material. If you do not set the indicator,it only copies the material data for the reference plants. It generatesall other plant data on the basis of the reference plant data and thesettings in Customizing for the material master. The system does not copy planned data or movement data. Activities |