SAP Program RWPSTLH_DINP - Direct Input - Task List Hierarchy

Direct input for task list hierarchy

With this report you create new task list hierarchies. These hierarchiesare based on task lists which must exist already in the data base.

For the creation of task list hiearchies you need hierarchy data andattribute data in 2 different files. For this you have the followingoptions:

  • Data in sequential files on the application server (option is 'Load from
  • seq. file').
    • Data in sequential files on your frontend (option is 'Load from PC
    • file').
      • Data in Microsoft Excel files on your frontend (option is 'Load from PC
      • Excel file').
        Note: The first line of the Excel files will be ignored by the program!You can use this feature for filling this line with header informationfor each column.

        For the creation of new task list hierarchies this report reads 2 files(different alternatives, see above) with hierarchy information and withattributes for new hierarchy nodes. With this information the reportcalls the direct input function module WPSTLDI_CREATE_TASK_LIST_HIER tocreate the new hierarchies.
        For additional information, especially for

        • the identification of new and existing task lists

        • the creation of an application log

        • authority checks

        • see also the documentation for the function moduleWPSTLDI_CREATE_TASK_LIST_HIER.


          • If you start the report in test mode, the report will still determine
          • internal numbers for new task lists (this has technical reasons). As aresult, you will get gaps in the internal number ranges when you runthis program in test mode.
            • For technical reasons it is not possible to fill customer append fields
            • if you use alternatives for importing Microsoft Excel files.


              • Key date / Valid from

              • With this parameter you define the valid from data of all (hierarchical)task lists which are created by the report.
                • Change number (optional)

                • Optionally you can define a change number for the creation of the newhierarchical task lists.
                  • Input files

                  • In this block you specify the input files for the hierarchy informationand the attributes for the new hierarchical task lists. Here you mustdecide on one of the three options by marking the corresponding radiobutton. In the corresponding fields you can specify the physical filenames (Input help for the PC file names is supported).
                    • Action parameter

                    • Check external ID is unique
                      With this parameter you specify whether the system should check if theexternal task list IDs must be unique.
                      Test run
                      Mark this parameter if you want the program to run only in test run.

                      The report creates an application log which can be viewed by standardtransaction SLG1 (object WPSTLH subobject DITLH). If an error occursduring the processing of the input data the log contains at least onemessage with informations about this error.
                      Depending on the input files the report creates one ore more task listhierarchies.