SAP Program RWMFA210 - Markdown Plan Price Calculation Test

Report "RWMFA210" is used to calculate prices and margins in markdownplanning. The functionality corresponds to the functionality oftransaction "WMF2" (change markdown plan) in the "Detailed planning"view.

The markdown plan must have been created.


  • Report "RWMFA210" can be executed in the background.

  • To increase processing speed, pricing can be carried out in several
  • parallel processes. The actual workload per process is calculated bymultiplying the number of items per process by the number of pricephases to be calculated. For pricing at plant level, this must also bemultiplied by the number of plants.


    • You can calcluate the prices for a selected markdown plant and a
    • particular distribution chain.
      • You can limit the material price phases of the markdown plan for which
      • you want to calculate prices. If you do not enter any selection datahere, the prices of all material price phases are calculated.


        • The error log for sales price calculation is displayed or, in the case
        • of background processing, printed out.
          • The calculation table can be printed out if you use sequential
          • background processing for pricing.