SAP Program RWMBON02 - Listing of Vendor Rebate Arrangements: Purchasing

The report is used to issue a list of rebate arrangements for acondition granter (vendor) as part ofnachträglichen Abrechnungin Purchasing based on various selection criteria (organizational data,status of the rebate arrangement, validity period, business volumecomparison etc.)
See also report RWMBON32 for issuing lists of rebate arrangements for acondition beneficiary (customer). Customer rebate arrangements aremainly used in subsequent settlement as part of agency business (pooledpayment). In this case, end-of-period rebates are demanded from thevendor and passed on to the customer.

Your list output is a print output of all the selected rebatearrangements.

399118 Msg NAA045 list output for arrangemts (RWMBON02, Trans.MEB5)
72199Problem analysis update business volume data