SAP Program RWLFM31 - Automatic Document Adjustment of Expenses Documents

You can use this report to automatically adjust expense documents toreflect condition changes.


  • For automatic document adjustment you must make the relevant settings in
  • Customizing. The system logs all relevant expense documents and istherefore able to determine all the documents affected by a conditionchange.
    • Processing can only be performed for expense documents for which no
    • accounting or reversal documents exist.

      If you do not enter any selection parameters on the selection screen,the system determines all the expense documents that are to be adjustedto reflect condition changes. You can enter selection parameters torestrict this selection.
      Note: If, for example, you have selected a document item byentering a material or a material group, the entire document isselected.
      The system checks whether any condition changes exist and adjusts theprice determination data accordingly. After running the report, thesystem displays a log listing any messages that were issued.
      You use the pricing type to determine the type of automatic documentchange performed. For more details, see the "Pricing Type" field in theinput help.
      Note: The pricing type influences the runtime behavior.
      You can make the following settings in the "Control Data" group box:

      • Manually select worklist to be processed:

      • Based on your selection criteria, the system creates a list of thedocuments for which condition changes have been made. You can flagdocuments in this list that you want to process.
        • Only display worklist to be processed:

        • Based on your selection criteria, the system creates a list of thedocuments for which condition changes exist. This list is purelyinformative, you cannot process documents from it.
          • Delete worklist after processing:

          • After condition changes are made, the worklist is deleted. During a newprogram run, the condition changes are therefore considered complete andare not dealt with again. The only condition changes deleted are thosefor which all documents in the program run have been processed.
            • Delete entire worklist:

            • After making document adjustments, the entire worklist is deleted,irrespective of which condition changes and documents have beenprocessed in the program run. During a new program run, all thecondition changes that were contained in the worklist are consideredcomplete and can therefore not be processed further.
              Note: You should only set this indicator if you are sure that allthe relevant expense documents have been processed, in other words, theremaining documents are not to be processed.
              You can also run the report in the background. To do this, create avariant and schedule the report for background processing.