SAP Program RWLF9082 - Mass Release Dispatcher

The dispatcher generates jobs for parallel release of agency documentsto Accounting (mass release), using the appropriate report for theagency document category. You can use selection criteria to customizethe type and number of jobs. The following variants are possible:
One job for n partners
One job for n documents
n jobs (documents are distributed to jobs)
The job names are formed in the following way:
One job for n partners: Report name - partner from - partner to
One job for n documents/n jobs: Report name - document from - documentto

For mass release, the document category for the source documentsdetermines which standard report is used:

  • Vendor billing document:,,,,,,,,RWLF2004

  • Single settlement request:,,RWLF2001

  • Posting list:,,,,,,,,RWLF2009

  • Settlement request lists:,,,RWLF2008

  • Customer settlement:,,,,,,RWLF2018

  • Expenses settlement:,,,,RWLF2026

  • Vendor remuneration list:,,,,RWLF2005

  • Customer remuneration list:,,,,RWLF2013
  • Selection

    Mass release control
    The following parameters are transferred to the report selection screen:

    • Selection criteria

    • Program flow control

    • Program call user
    • Job start
      Immediate start, after event or at a set point in time.
      Jobs are not created in the simulation run, only the log is issued here.

      Job creation
      Type and number of jobs to be generated.
      If a job prefix exists, it replaces the first four characters of the jobname (in other words, RWLF).

      Job monitoring
      If job monitoring is activated, the job is only complete after all thejobs have been created, or once the monitoring interval is over. Thedatabase access interval specifies how often the system checks that jobcreation has finished.
      In addition, a check can be run on the processed settlement requestsafter posting list creation has finished, to see if they have theexpected posting status. If more documents than specified in thetolerance have an unexpected job status, the job is terminated. Thetolerance check is only performed if all the jobs have been completedcorrectly (in other words, none of them was terminated prematurely).