SAP Programs

Program Text
RWDPOSAN Direct request for POS outbound
RWDPOSCK POS Outbound Analysis Program
RWDPOSCK2 POS Outbound: Performance Analysis: Search for Stores Not Supplied
RWDPOSDU POS Outbound: Dummy Initialization
RWDPOSIN POS Outbound: Initialization
RWDPOSRS Reorganization of Status Entries for POS and Assortment List
RWDPOSSI POS Interface Outbound: Change Message Simulatn (No Database Changes)
RWDPOSTG Create trigger files for all open status records in WDLS
RWDPOSUP POS Interface - Outbound: Change Message
RWDRD001 Determine Delivery Relationship
RWDRD002 Change Delivery Relationship
RWDRD003 Display Delivery Relationship
RWDRD004 Delete Delivery Relationship
RWDREORGCHECK POS Outbound Reorganization Check
RWDREORGCHECK2 Assortment List Reorganization Check
RWDREPROCESS Reprocess Handling Assortment List
RWDREPROCESS2 Reprocess Handling POS Outbound
RWDSLDUM Dummy Initialization of Assortment List
RWEWU001 Report for starting EMU workflow
RWEWU002 Selection for currency conversion - promotions -
RWEWU003 Selection for currency conversion - markdown plans -
RWEWU01D Deletion of currency conversion plans
RWFTSCDT Maintain Document Templates for Customer Tasks
RWF_RUNTIME_AUNIT Workflow: Unit Test for Runtime
RWF_WAPI_AUNIT Workflow: Unit Test for WAPI
RWGENIBASE Create IBASE for the variants of a Retail Generic Material
RWGRC_004 Postprocessing Monitor
RWGRC_005 Display Inactive Vendors
RWGRC_006 Delete Goods Receipt Capacity Data
RWINVF00 Test report for IDoc upload: entry of results from store phys. inv.
RWISP_1_CM_PM_1_TO_1_CM_PM_4 Performance Measures Category -> Performance Measures Subsegment
RWISP_1_CM_PM_2_TO_1_CM_PM_4 Performance Measures Subcategory -> Performance Measures Subsegment
RWISP_1_CM_PM_3_TO_1_CM_PM_4 Performance Measures Segment -> Performance Measures Subsegment
RWISP_1_CM_PM_4_TO_1_CM_PM_1 Template for Disaggregation over PLSCH'e
RWISP_1_CM_PM_4_TO_1_CM_PM_2 Template for Disaggregation over PLSCH'e
RWISP_1_CM_PM_4_TO_1_CM_PM_3 Template for Disaggregation over PLSCH'e
RWISP_1_CM_PM_TO_1_CM_TA_2 Performance Measures Active -> Assortment
RWISP_1_CM_TA_2_TO_1_CM_PM Tactics Assortment Fine -> Tactics Summary
RWISP_1_CM_TA_2_TO_1_CM_TA_3 Tactics Assortment Across Regions -> Regional Tactics Assortment
RWISP_1_CM_TA_2_TO_1_CM_TM_1 Assortment -> Shelf Display
RWISP_1_CM_TA_2_TO_1_CM_TR_1 Sortiment überregional -> Preispolitik
RWISP_1_CM_TA_3_TO_1_CM_PM Tactics Assortment Fine -> Tactics Summary
RWISP_1_CM_TA_3_TO_1_CM_TA_2 Regional Assortment -> Cross-Regional Assortment
RWISP_1_CM_TR_1_TO_1_CM_PM Tactics Price Politics -> Tactics Summary
RWISP_1_CM_TR_1_TO_1_CM_TM_1 Pricing Policy -> Shelf Display
RWIS_PLAN01 Retail Planning: General Initial Screen for Manual Planning
RWIS_PLAN02 Retail Planning: Current Settings
RWIS_PLAN03 Retail Planning: General Initial Screen for Planning Hier. Maintenance
RWIS_PLAN03_CM Retail Planning: General Initial Screen for Planning Hier. Maintenance
RWIS_PLAN04 Retail Planning: Transport Link Planning Layouts
RWIS_PLAN05 Retail Planning: Planning Layout Import
RWIS_PLAN06 Retail Planning: Importing Customizing Settings
RWIS_PLAN08 Transport of Time-Based Distribution Keys
RWIS_PLAN10 Deletion Report for Promotion Interface Logs
RWIS_PLAN11 Deletion Report for Allocation Table Interface Logs
RWIS_PLAN12 Display Logs for Planning Interfaces
RWIS_PLAN13 Retail Planning: General Entry Screen, Read BW Data
RWIS_PLAN14 MAP: Transport of Manual Planning Variants
RWIS_PLAN15 MAP: Subsequent Change of Library <-> Info Structure Assignment
RWIS_PLAN16 Adjust Scenario After Incorrect Transport Type (No After Import)
RWIS_PLANCP Report for Generating Actual Data
RWIS_PLAN_FLEX_UPL Flexible Excel Upload for Manual Planning
RWIS_PLAN_MASCHPH_BATCH Retail Planning: Report on Automatic Setup of Plan.Hier. in Background
RWIS_PLAN_MD_HIER_BATCH Automatic Batch Generation of Planning Data for Category Management
RWIS_PLAN_REORG1 Reorganization of Table Include WISPL_INC_TOP_IS_CUS
RWIS_PLAN_REORG2 Structure of Table Include WISPL_INC_TOP_IS_CUS After Upgrade
RWIS_PLAN_REORG3 Reorganize File Descriptions
RWIS_PLAN_REORG4 Repair ofs Table CEFORMT for Language EN, Layouts 1SAP*
RWJBCHAN Test Program for Changing Status at POS Outbound
RWJBDISP Test program for selecting and displaying assortment lists
RWJBIDIN Test program for importing assortment list IDocs
RWLAY001 Delete All Listing Conditions From Layout Module
RWLAY002 Delete All Layout Listing Conditions for Assortments
RWLAY003 Setting the Layout Listing Status for Assortments
RWLAYINF Space Management: Display of Layout in Retail Store
RWLAYLIST_CONVERT Simple Layout Listing Concept: Conversion Report at Release Change
RWLAYMOD01 Delete Expired Versions of a Layout Module
RWLAYVAR Test Report for Creating Layout Module Versions
RWLAYWOB Space Managment: Layout Workbench
RWLC_PARALLEL_TEST Test Report for Parallel Processing
RWLC_PROCESS_IN_PARALLEL Load Distribution and External Parallel Processing
RWLC_REPORT_IN_PARALLEL Framework for Parallel Reports
RWLF1001 Billing docs (header data)
RWLF1002 Billing documents (with item data)
RWLF1003 Remuneration lists (Header Information)
RWLF1004 Remuneration Lists (With Item Data)
RWLF1005 Settlement Requests (Header Information)
RWLF1006 Settlement Requests (With Item Data)
RWLF1007 Settlement Request Lists (Header Data)
RWLF1008 Settlement Request List (Item Data)
RWLF1009 Posting Lists (Header Data)
RWLF1010 Posting lists (with item data)
Lines 49901 to 50000 of 57103 entries
1 498 499 500 501 502 572