SAP Program RWLF2032 - Reopen Settlement Requests

You can use report RWLF2032 (Reopen Settlement Requests) to reopena collection of completed settlement requests.
The documents are not immediately released to accounting, as they arewhen they are reopened manually. If they are not parked documents, theyare allocated a posting block.

Description of selection parameters
Note that F1 Help documentation is available for the relevantparameters.

  • Document Selection

  • You use this parameter to limit the documents that are selected forprocessing. You can enter specific documents, or use the other fieldsto determine which documents are selected.
    • Organizational Data

    • This parameter is for entering cross-document selection datato select the worklist.
      • Program Run Control

      • Here you can decide whether you want all documents to be blocked whenthe report is started. This ensures that all documents that fulfill theselection criteria can be processed.
        You use the run name and termination time to specify how long youwant the report to run before it is terminated. By assigning a runname, you can restart the report under the same name to completeprocessing of the remaining data.
        This ensures that the report is only using up database capacity in thedefined time window.

        The system generates a list log for the selected documents.