SAP Program RWLF2010 - Create posting lists from preceding documents

This report is obsolete. SAP recommends the use of reportRWLF2059 (Generate Posting Lists from SettlementRequests).
Report RWLF2010 enables you to create posting lists from multiplepreceding documents (individual documents from settlement requestlists).
Preceding documents are included only if their settlement request listhas already been forwarded to Accounting, or if they do not require aposting document.

Description of Selection Parameters
Pay attention to the field help for the relevant parameters.

Document Restriction
The parameters available here enable you to restrict the number ofdocuments selected for processing.
To select one or multiple documents, you can either enter the individualdocuments directly, or specify the selection criteria.

Organizational Data
In this section, you can specify cross-document selection data for theworklist.

Program Run Control
In this section, you can specify whether the system shall lock alldocuments when starting the report. This ensures that all documentscorresponding to the selection criteria can be edited.
By defining a termination time, you can control how long the reportshall run. This ensures that the report puts load on the database onlywithin the timeframe you have indicated.
If you have specified a name for the run, you can call up the report ata later point in time and complete the processing of remaining data.
If you select Check Run Only, the system does not make changes tothe database. This gives you an overview of the worklist and of theeffects of creating posting lists.

The system creates a log of the selected and processed documents. Thislog also lists any errors that may have occurred.