SAP Program RWBEF100 - Stock Overview for Empties

The stock overview for empties provides a list of stock quantities ofempties materials, divided into tied and untied stock.

  • Tied empties

  • These are empties in conjunction with a full product (such as a fullbottle). Goods movements for tied empties are inextricably linked togoods movements for the full product.
    • Untied empties

    • Empties without link to a full product (such as an empty bottle).
      The stock overview comprises two different list types:
      • The basic list provides an overview of the stock of the empties
      • material on the organizational levels selected.
        • The breakdown list provides an overview of the stocks on a particular
        • organizational level and on the next lower level.
          For each organizational level, the total stock of tied and untiedempties is displayed. The tied stock is further divided into theindividual full products. The total stock of full products is used toobtain the stock of tied empties by weighting the quantity of the fullproduct with the component quantities in the bill of material.
          The sum of the empties stock calculated in this way is usuallyidentical to the stock of tied empties at plant level in the system.Differences may, however, occur at plant level.
          Differences occur, for example, if you enter a goods receipt for a fullproduct in a unit of measure to which tied empties belongs and thenpost the goods receipt in a different unit of measure. The followingexample explains this:
          The full product "beer" has two components assigned to it for the unitof measure "crate"
          ,,Component ,, Factor,, Unit of measure
          ,,Bottle ,, 24 ,, piece
          ,,Crate ,, 1 ,, piece
          The full product "beer" is also available in the unit "bottle", whichonly has one empties component assigned to it:
          ,,Component ,, Factor,, Unit of measure
          ,,Bottle ,, 1 ,,piece
          10 full crates of the beer are currently on-hand, with the followingstock of tied empties:
          ,,Component ,, Unit ,, Tied ,, Difference in tied stock
          ,,Bottle ,, piece ,, 240 ,, 0
          ,,Crate ,, piece ,, 10 ,, 0
          When a physical inventory is carried out, you discover that only 9 fullcrates are in stock. The results of the count are entered in bottles(216 pieces). A physical inventory difference is posted for the missing24 bottles, whereby 24 pieces of the empties component "bottle" arealso posted from the stock.
          Since the results of the count were entered in bottles, no differenceposting is made for the missing crate, resulting in the followingsituation:
          ,,Component ,, Unit ,, Tied ,, Difference in tied stock
          ,,Bottle ,, Piece ,, 216 ,, 0
          ,,Crate ,, Piece ,, 10 ,, 1
          In cases like this, you can transfer stock between tied and untiedempties stock using movement types 441 and 442.