SAP Program RWBBVCRE_HPR - Assortment List: Create Version

Assortment List: Create Version

This report allows the assortment list to be stored and managed indifferent versions. The data contained in Version Management can bedisplayed, deleted, or printed. These data will also supply theAssortment List BAPI (BUS3032)


  • An assortment list IDoc has to have been generated.

  • An assortment list profile has to be assigned to the plants/customers
  • involved.


    You can select stores by choosing either a whole distribution line orindividual store identifications. The articles will be selected byassortment list type.
    When a change version is generated, you can automatically create amixed version using the "Generate merged version" flag.

    This report creates the assortment list versions. This functionalitydepends on the setting for the assortment list type in the assortmentlist profile (customizing). In addition, the created version of theassortment list can be sorted in different ways.
    The following sorting methods are available in the standard system:
    By Vendor / Merchandise Category / Article
    By Vendor / Vendor Sub-Range / Article
    By Department / Merchandise Category / Article
    By Department / Layout Area / Layout Module / Article
    By Layout Area / Layout Module / Article
    By Merchandise Category / Article
    Some sorting methods will allow an article to be repeated and displayedfor every vendor or layout module for which that article is valid.
    At the end this report will display a summary for each assortment listversion created.