SAP Program RWB2_ARCHIVE_PREPARE - Archiving Preparation: "Successor Archived" - Set Flag

To check that all dependent documents have already been archived, youcan use report "RWB2_ARCHIVE_PREPARE". The report reads the completeassociation network for the trading contracts selected with the help ofselection criteria, and additional data from all successor items toto determine whether the documents have already been archived. If thisis the case, the system sets the "Network Archived" indicator in thetrading contract header to "A". Associations between trading contractsare the exception. Here it is sufficient that the trading contractpartner has the system status "Closed (Archiving Flag)" or "Closed(Logical Deletion of Document)".Note that the report only processes trading contracts that have one ofthese statuses. In other words, trading contracts must be closed beforeyou run the report.
In the archiving report under "Program Flow Control" you can use the"Ind. 'Network Archived'" checkbox to specify that only tradingcontracts are archived for which the "Network Archived" indicator isset. If you do not set the "Ind. 'Network Archived'" checkbox, thesystem does not evaluate the trading contract indicator "NetworkArchived". If you use association management or additional data fromGlobal Trade Management, you should always set the checkbox"Ind. 'Network Archived'".