SAP Program RVSCDAKK - Display document changes

Report RVSCD100 shows the document changes in a sales document.

The system issues the following lists:
Overview list : Date, user, object and activity
Detailed list : Object, activity, and value / technical info
Technical info: Table, field, user, time, transaction
Statistics : Change group and number of activities
You can sort the overview and detailed list according to time ordocument structure. In the overview list, you can press F2 or choose aline in order to display the document changes. The scope of this listdepends on the position of the cursor.
If the cursor is positioned on the second (ItNo.) or third (SchedNo)column, the system displays all changes in the document header, item orschedule line. If you position the cursor in a different column, thesystem displays only the detailed display for the change that youselected.