SAP Program RVIVST00 - INTRASTAT: Select Data for Receipt via SD Intercompany Billing

This report selects data based on billing documents for creatingINTRASTAT statistics later. Only internal settlements are selected to
create a notification of arrival at the bill-to party.
The selected data are stored in a file and can be called up fordeclarations to the authorities from subsequent functions such as:

  • creating a tape,

  • creating a document,

  • creating a disk.
  • Precondition
    Enter parameters:
    a) Selection criteria
    Only those internal settlements are selected whose bill-to party is in
    the country of declaration!
    Billing documents are selected according to:

    • billing document number

    • document creation date

    • sales organization of the order

      • company code of the invoicing party

      • plant of the invoicing party, i.e. the delivering plant

      • c) INTRASTAT: general
        Here you can enter the reporting month and reporting year as well asadditional specifications that are only for the Federal Republic ofGermany such as material number, federal state key number and thefederal state of the tax office.
        d) Incompletion log
        Log type: You can choose whether the report can be started in a test orlive run. In a test run the selected data will not be saved in a file.You can also control the output of a selection or an incompletion log.This field contains the following possible entries.
        • 'A': live run / log list / ___________________________

        • 'B': live run / log list / Incompletion log

        • 'C': live run / _______________ / ___________________________

        • 'D': test run / log list / ___________________________

        • 'E': test run / log list / Incompletion log

        • 'F': test run / _______________ / Incompletion log

        • Country of INTRASTAT creation: enter the country code for the state forwhich the declaration should be created. Note that you should enter thesame country code in table T609I which controls the incompletion log.
          e) Country code
          Here you can specify whether the numeric INTRASTAT code or thealphabetical two-digit ISO code should be used.
          f) Additional specifications
          Origin of date: Use this indicator to control which date should betaken into account in each document:
          • ID not set: date of services rendered (VBRP-FBUDA)

          • ID set: billing date (VBRK-FKDAT)

          • Each date is checked against the month and year specifications that youentered.
            Plant as selection criteria: limit the documents to be selected usingthe plant specifications.

            All billing documents are selected that

            • have an "export" indicator,

            • contain goods movements that took place within the European Union,

            • have a date (FBUDA or FKDAT) lying within the selected time period,

            • are relevant to FI,

            • are already in FI or

            • are no longer blocked for posting to RF.

            • Depending on which ID you select for the incompletion log the followingscreen outputs will be implemented:
              • Selection log

              • Selection log sorted according to commodity codes

              • Incompletion log

              • Key for incompletion log
              • Caution
                Please note that the following parameters are only available forexport.
                These parameters must be converted for an import declaration. Please
                check the settings in the customizing tables

                • Define reference country for conversion

                • Commodity code in import code number

                • Export in import business type

                • Export in import mode of transport

                • The conversion for the customs office and the mode of transport cannot
                  be defined generally. Therefore, it might be possible that the selected
                  documents have to be processed using transaction "VEFU".

1025506INTRASTAT: Italy - Foreign currency amt for new EU countries
987716EU2007: The new EU countries of Romania and Bulgaria
757305INTRASTAT Italy:Foreign currncy amount (Supplmnt for 740201)
740201INTRASTAT:Italy-Foreign currency amount for new EU countries
729489EU2004: Intra-/Extrastat - April 2004 (Addition 709487)
709487EU2004: INTRASTAT/EXTRASTAT - selection run for April 2004
367873Intrastat VI98-invoice val n detrmnd in forgn curncy