SAP Program RVHURL027 - Archiving matching groups: Delete application data

This report deletes matching groups from table RLCPGRP (matchinggroups). If you execute the report with the "test run" variant, noapplication data is deleted: the process is simulative.

One or more archive files must have been created using report RVHURL025(archiving of matching groups: create archive files). The system usesthese archive files to delete application data from the tables.

A processing log gives details on the amount and volumes of the deletedmatching groups. A more detailed log is also available, listing thesuccessfully deleted matching groups.
Once the application data has been deleted, it is available via thearchive file for evaluation using the SAP Archive Information System.

Hints were created specifically for the archivingobject VHURL_CP (packaging logistics matching groups), where you canfind more information.