SAP Program RVHURL013 - Archiving returnable packaging accounts: Set archive status

This report prepares returnable packaging accounts for archiving. Itchecks that the prerequisites for archiving are fulfilled. If so, itsets the status of the accounts to 'to be archived'.
You can use selection parameters to restrict the range of accounts tobe archived, for example, all accounts for a specific material orbusiness partner.
In the subsequent program RVHURL015 (archiving of returnable packagingaccounts: create archive file), the system selects the accounts withthe status 'to be archived' and outputs them to an archive file. Thereport RVHURL017 (archiving of returnable packaging accounts: deleteapplication data) deletes the accounts from the database.

A returnable packaging account can be set to status 'to be archived' if

  • it already has the status "marked for deletion",

  • there are no active preceding accounts, or these have the status
  • "marked for deletion" or "to be archived" (that is, they are also forarchiving),
    • there are no account postings for the account (or these have already
    • been archived),
      • there are no account statements for the account (or these have already
      • been archived).

        A processing log shows the amount of accounts that were changed. A moredetailed log is also available, listing successfully archived accountsand reasons for which accounts could not be archived.

        Hints were created specifically for thearchiving object VHURL_AC (packaging logistics returnable pacakgingaccounts), where you can find more information.
        Once a status is set 'to be archived', it is not possible to undo it.