SAP Program RVHURL003 - List of account postings

Various lists exist for RP account postings. The system selectsaccounts stored in the databases RLACCT (RP accounts) and RLACPOIT(account posting records) according to the selection parameters, addsdata from other databases (such as material, customer and vendormasters) and builds data structures for the ABAP list viewer (ALV).This data is transferred to the ALV, which formats the actual list.
This report differentiates between two evaluation types, sorting theselected RP account postings either by returnablepackaging material number or by RP account number
. While the layout of the list can be modified by customers, thesegrouping terms cannot be extended.
Different list presentations are linked to the different selectionparameters, (Evaluation Without Account Balance
, Eval. With Account Balance, Sorted By Doc. Date
Eval. With Account Balance, Sorted By PostingDate. For the first selection two different list layouts for postingquantites are prepared, which can be accessed with the ABAP List Viewerand a selection pushbutton.
It is possible to branch to the RP account display from the layout (bydouble-clicking on the field RP account number).

If the system finds no RP accounts or account postings for theselection, or none have yet been created in the system, a message isissued. For further information, check the correspondingmessage or read the documentation on theselection of business partners.

SAP delivers the list layouts of this report as standard variants.These variants cannot be changed. You can, however, modify them asrequired and save them under a different name. By using individual listlayouts you can access further data fields that have been hidden in theSAP standard variants.
To set the system to refer not to the standard variant, but to thecustomer-specific layout, the list variant must be flagged as accessvariant. If this indicator is not set, this report defines the accessvariant and the corresponding list layout.