SAP Program RVFTFTIM - Foreign Trade: Analysis Import Purchase Orders

This program supports three different core functions for both importpurchase orders and for export billing documents:

  • Journals

  • Incompletion status

  • Incompletion reorganization

  • The individual functions are described in detail below. Please makenote of the comments for the topic Organizational Measures atthe end of this program documentation.


    Export Journal
    This function enables you to periodically display all your exports inspecified countries or to specified customers. The selection critieriascreen offers several different selection parameters.

    Import Journal
    This function enables you to periodically display all your imports fromspecified countries or from specified vendors. The selection screenoffers you several different selection parameters. The display list canbe used as a basis for your required periodic declarations.

    Incompletion Status
    The function "Monitoring of Document Data Status for Imports orExports" is a tool that you can use to monitor your documents withregards to foreign trade data. You can branch from the list directly tothe change transaction and complete the documents.
    You can also use this function to display the upcoming workload (forexample, all exports that are to take place during the next sevendays). This way you can check whether the data in the documents iscomplete in advance. The selection criteria in the journals isidentical. Additionally, you can select the documents according to thecompleteness of the data. Please make note of the comments for thetopic Organizational Measures at the end of this programdocumentation.

    Incompletion Reorganization
    Incompletion reorganization is a function that checks the consistencybetween the completeness of foreign trade data in the documents and thecompleteness of the data in the list displays. You can only performthis function by directly executing the transaction VIR1
    for import documents or VIR2 for export billingdocuments. More information about this subject is available in thetopic Organizational Measures.

    Several functions are available from the results list displayed. Inaddition to the standard functions, such as sorting, displaying totalsand subtotals of value fields, hiding/unhiding columns, printing,exporting lists (in HTML or RTF format) or sending data per email, youcan also display the incomplete fields in a document directly from thelist. You can also branch to the functions "Display foreign tradedata" and "Change foreign trade data". If you change a document usingthe function "Change foreign trade data", the system automaticallyrefreshes the list when you return to it (that is, the changes to thedocument are copied into the list). Also, the system highlights thechanged entry in yellow. With the function "Global refresh", the systemcreates a new list based on your selection criteria.

    Control of Foreign Trade Data Incompleteness
    The basis for the function "Foreign trade data incompleteness" in thedocuments and for the accurate display of the incompletion lists is themaintenance of the corresponding tables in Customizing. For eachcountry - the importing country for "import monitoring" and theexporting country for "export monitoring", you need to maintain thefollowing objects:
    Incompleteness Schema for Foreign Trade Data
    Foreign Trade Data in MM and SD Documents
    Ensure that the indicator "Save incompletion log" is selected. If youdo not set this indicator, it could lead to a discrepancy between thestatus in the document itself and the list status. This method forincompletion checks was chosen for performance reasons.

    Organizational Measures
    If you select documents that were created before activating theincompleteness function for Foreign Trade, or if you have changed theincompletion schema for Foreign Trade (See Incompletion Control), is itpossible that documents that are displayed as complete are marked asincomplete in the documents themselves. In this case, you shouldperform the function "Import or Export Reorganization" using thetransaction codes VIR1 VIR1 (import) orVIR2 (export). Afterwards, the entries on the list andin the documents will be identical again.