SAP Program RVEXST00 - INTRASTAT: Select Data for Dispatch - EU Countries

This report selects data on the basis of billing documents in order tosubsequently create intra-European Union trade statistics. The selecteddata is stored in a file.
This data may be used for declaring to the appropriate authorities insubsequent functions such as

  • Creating a tape

  • Creating a document

  • Creating a diskette
  • Precondition
    Entering parameters:

    • Selection criteria

    • The billing documents are selected according to:
      Company code
      Billing document number
      Recipient country
      Sales organization
      Document date of origin
      Author of the billing document
      • Billing document types

      • In addition to invoices and proforma invoices, you can specify whetherthe following are to be selected:
        Cancellations of invoices
        Debit memos
        Credit memos
        Cancellation credit memos
        Intercompany billing documents
        • INTRASTAT - General

        • Here you can enter the reporting month and the reporting year as wellas additional specifications valid only for Germany such as materialnumber, the federal state's key number and the federal state of the taxoffice.
          • Incompletion log

          • Log type: This report can be started alternatively in the test run orin the production run. In the test run, the selected data is not storedin the file. Furthermore, you can control the output of a selection orincompletion log.
            The following possible entries exist for this field:
            'A': Production run / Log list / ___________________________
            'B': Production run / Log list / Incompletion log
            'C': Production run / _______________ / ___________________________
            'D': Test run / Log list / ___________________________
            'E': Test run / Log list / Incompletion log
            'F': Test run / _______________ / Incompletion log
            • Country in which INTRASTAT is created:

            • Here you have to enter the country code of the state for which thedeclaration is to be created. Please keep in mind that the same countrycode is specified for Table T609I which controls the incompletion log.
              • Country key

              • Here you can specify whether the numeric Intrastat Code and thealphabetical two-digit ISO Code are to be used.
                Additional specifications
                • Origin of date:

                • With this indicator you can control which date is to
                  be taken into account in the relevant document:
                  • Indicator set: Date of services rendered (VBRP-FBUDA)

                    • Indicator set: Billing document date (VBRK-FKDAT)

                    • The corresponding date is checked against your entries in the fields
                      'reporting month' and 'reporting year'.
                      • Plant as a selection criterium:

                      • Narrow down the selection of the documents according to the plantspecification.

                        All billing documents are selected which

                        • Have an "export" indicator

                        • Include the goods movements within the European Communities

                        • Have a date (FBUDA and FKDAT) within the selected period

                        • Are relevant to FI

                        • Already exist in FI or are no longer blocked for posting in FI.

                        • Depending on the indicator you select for the incompletion log, thefollowing screen displays are carried out:
                          • Selection log

                          • Selection log sorted according to commodity codes

                          • Incompletion log

                          • Key to incompletion log

1390593Intrastat - Declaration of services
1505046Italien service: "Payee country" field
1467529Messages for services in Italy: Subsequent corrections
1456561Services Italy - Functions for "SEZIONE 4"
1442006Service Italy - manual maintenance/different errors
987716EU2007: The new EU countries of Romania and Bulgaria
731707EU2004: INTRASTAT/EXTRASTAT processing for Cyprus
729489EU2004: Intra-/Extrastat - April 2004 (Addition 709487)
709487EU2004: INTRASTAT/EXTRASTAT - selection run for April 2004
355726Intrastat: Legal changes in 2001 for DE
16242EU95: New membrs of the Europ.Union as of 01/01/95