SAP Program RVEXSOVA - Uploading Commodity Codes and Import Code Numbers

This program copies commoditycodes and import codenumbers into the SAP system from available external files. It savesyou the time otherwise required to manually enter the codes into thesystem.

The system stores goods numbers and their descriptions in tables T604and T604T (Foreign Trade: Commodity Code / Import Code Numbers). Afteryou have loaded them into the SAP system, the codes can be usedthroughout the system. For example, you can print them together withmaterial import or export data in foreign trade documents.

Before the system can load the commodity codes or import codes

  • Ensure that the file containing the codes and their descriptions is in
  • ASCII format.
    • You need to know the file structure -- which columns the codes occupy,
    • which columns the descriptions occupy and which columns the units ofmeasure occupy.
      See the field help (F1) for detailed information about each of thefields in this report.
      Entries in the following fields are mandatory:
      • Country key

      • File name

      • Drive

      • Subdirectory

      • Initial position goods number

      • Final position goods number

      • Initial position goods text

      • Final position goods text

      • Note: You can determine the actual positions of these columns by openingthe ASCII file and counting the spaces used for the digits and the textcharacters. For this you need to identify the beginning and endpositions of the codes, their texts and units of measure (whenapplicable) and enter them in the corresponding fields.

        For a commodity code file with the contents "12345678 Sample text"(with no unit of measure), you should make the following entries in thedata record structure section:
        Data record structure
        | Initial pos. goods no. | 1 |
        | Final pos. goods no. | 8 |
        | Initial pos. goods text | 10 |
        | Final pos. goods text | 21 |
        If there is no unit of measure (optional entry), the last position forthe goods text can be a number that is much greater than the actualfinal position for the goods text (for example, 200).

        You do not have to load all codes into your system. You can load onlythose chapters that are relevant for your business.
        You can overwrite existing codes or add only the new codes.

        Potential Errors
        When you execute this report, errors may occur if

        • The values for the beginning and end positions overlap

        • You enter an incorrect length for a commodity code or import code number

        • The length for the codes has not been assigned to the country entered.
        • You maintain this entry in Table T609S in Customizing (see Sales ->Foreign Trade/Customs -> Basic Data for Foreign Trade -> Length ofcommodity Codes/Import Code Numbers).

          For information about comparing new codes with existing codes, see thereport RVEXREOR.
          For further information about commodity codes and import code numbers,see the help documentation on this topic in the SAP Library.