SAP Program RVEXSIBO - Legal Control: Simulation: Check Boycott List

This report simulates the automatic check carried out at header levelin the sales order for a partner against one of the three boycottlists:

  • Table of Denial Orders (TDO)

  • Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) and

  • Diversion High Risk Profile (DHRP).

  • The DHRP list is your company's own unofficial list of customers withwhom contact is to be denied.

    You must have maintained the foreign trade data in the customer master.

    If you enter a country key as well as the partner ID, the system onlychecks whether the partner is on a boycott list for the respectivecountry and issues the result.
    If you do not enter a country key, the system checks whether thepartner is on a boycott list for all countries maintained in thecustomer master. If it is on a list for at least one country, thesystem issues the country too.