SAP Program RVEXSIAU - Legal Control: Simulation: Assign Licenses

This report simulates the legal control which the system carries outautomatically in the sales order and delivery (if configured to do so).
The aim is to determine whether an export

  • to a certain country,

  • to a certain customer,

  • with certain products,

  • at a certain point in time

  • is allowed on the basis of the legal requirements in the country ofdeparture.
    If a license is required to export a product, the system attempts todetermine a license. The license must meet all the requirements of thisbusiness transaction and thereby authorize the export.

    You must have maintained the relevant settings in Customizing forForeign Trade.

    When you enter the various parameters, e.g. the exporter plant whichdetermines the country of departure, the partner ID which defines theship-to party and the shipment data, the legal control is carried outby the system in simulation mode.
    This results in a three-level log with details of all the actions whichthe system carried out in the process of the legal control.
    The status field contains the overall result of the legal control checkfor this business transaction.

    You can also call up this simulation in order processing to determinewhat the result of the legal control would be for the individual salesorder items.