SAP Program RVEXSBPR - Print Foreign Trade Documents

Print Foreign Trade Documents

This report enables you to issue foreign trade output as a printout. Itincludes options for first processing, error processing and repeatprocessing.

You configure the settings for printing export documents inCustomizing for Foreign Trade.

Depending on your selection, this report is used for three possibletransactions:
First processing The output type that you want to print withthis function (such as a T1 document, SED, certificate of origin, etc.)is entered first in the billing document header. The system selectsonly those documents with Dispatch time 3 (as an explicit request, forexample, with a function from the application).
Error processing This option is for re-printing the output iferrors occurred when you tried to print it the first time. It does notprint any documents that could be printed out later without any errors.The system selects the documents regardless of dispatch time.
Repeat processing The document has been printed out oncesuccessfully and you want to print it out again. The system selects thedocuments regardless of dispatch time.
For special case processing, see report RVEXBSST.

In the Output type field on the initial entryscreen, you can display the different types of output for a billingdocument in a list. You can then select one of the output types thatwould like to print from this list.
Note: You cannot select an output type for printing that you have notentered in the billing document header first.
The field Transmission medium determines how the output will beproduced. The transmission medium in this case is a printed document.