SAP Program RVEXPEIS - SED: Paper Version for Export - USA


Shipper's Export Declaration (SED) USA
This report selects data from the VESED worklist for the purpose ofcreating the
SEDas a printed document.

Entry parameters:
a) Selection criteria - General
In this section, for the declaration to the appropriate authorities,you enter the
Month for the report
Year for the report
Company Code
You also need to specify whether it is for a freight forwarder or theexporter.
b) Criteria for declaration relevance
In this section, you can specify whether you want the system to displayrelevant data for exports that require declaration and/or exports thatdo not need to be declared.
c) Criteria for processing
In this section, you can specify whether data in items with the samecommodity codes are to be aggregated.
You can also sort the data displayed by sales organization.

Changing the settings in coding:
You can make different settings in the INCLUDE RVEXSEC0 for thecreation of the Shipper's Export Declaration.
The following variables are relevant for the SED:
a) Settings for declaration relevance
If the indicator is set ('X'), the export is relevant for declaration.If the indicator is not set (' '), the export is not relevant fordeclaration.
Export License involved that requires reporting (e.g. IVL)
data flg_action_sed_01 value 'X'.
Items valued < 2501 USD
data flg_action_sed_02 value ' '.
Shipments to Canada
data flg_action_sed_03 value ' '.
Mail shipments valued at less than 501 USD
data flg_action_sed_05 value ' '.
In-transit shipments leaving the U.S. not by vessel
data flg_action_sed_06 value ' '.
In-transit shipments leaving the U.S. by vessel
data flg_action_sed_07 value 'X'.
b) Country codes
The following country codes are "hard" coded. It is sufficient if oneof the two codes (2-digit or 3-digit) match the entries in table T005.
Country Codes (3-digits)
data: con_cntry_can like t005-land1 value 'CAN', "Canada
con_cntry_mex like t005-land1 value 'MEX', "Mexico
con_cntry_usa like t005-land1 value 'USA'. "USA
ISO Country Codes (2-digits)
data: con_iso_can like t005-intca value 'CN', "Canada
con_iso_mex like t005-intca value 'MX', "Mexico
con_iso_usa like t005-intca value 'US'. "USA
c) Weights
You must enter the gross weight in kilograms "KG".
Quantity Units
data: con_unit_gross like t006-msehi value 'KG'. "Grossweight
d) Export process
For exports in-transit to be recognized, you must create a code intable T616. This code is retrieved as a "hard" entry from the program.
Intransit shipments
data: con_intransit_code like t616-exprf value '00050', "In-transit
e) Codes für das 'Special Identification Field'
The following codes exist for exports that require or do not requiredeclaration:
Codes for Reportable Transactions
data: con_code_vintransit(2) value 'H1'. "Vessel In-transit
Codes for Nonstatistical Transactions
data: con_code_value(2) value 'UR', "Shipm. valued under 2501$
con_code_destcan(2) value 'CN', "Destination Canada
con_code_intrans(2) value 'IT', "In-transit no vessel
con_code_mail501(2) value 'PS'. "Mail shipm. under 501$
f) Modes of Transportation
The program uses the following official modes of transportation. Theseare "hard" coded.
Mode of transportation Codes
data: con_transp_vessel like t618-expvz value '1', "Vessel
con_transp_air like t618-expvz value '3', "Air
con_transp_mail like t618-expvz value '4'. "Mail
g) Values
Exports under 2500 US dollars and exports that are sent by mail with avalue less than 500 USD must not be declared. The program uses these as"hard" coded entries.
data: con_value_2500(4) type p value '2500',
con_value_500(4) type p value '500'.
h) Other
Enter the parameter type for the table T001Z to specifiy the "Shipper'sAuthorization Symbols".
data: con_auth_symbol like t001z-party value 'SAPI09'.

Depending on the selection criteria, the system prints the SED as alist or as a total overview.