SAP Program RVEXJP02 - Customs Declaration for Import Billing Documents - Japan

This program creates a list of import invoices for which the customsdeclaration (Japan) is created. You can initiate printing of thecustoms declaration directly from this list using program RVEXJP03.

The parameters payment method I 1 to III 3 are used to assign paymentmethods to fields I to III in the custom declaration forms.
The following payment methods are available:
Available Payment Methods
| I 1 | Payment via official foreign exchange transaction |
| I 2 | All cases except I 1 |
| II 1 | Special settlement |
| II 2 | Intercompany billing |
| II 3 | All cases except II 1 and II 2 |
| III 1 | Foreign bank transfer, check |
| III 2 | All cases except III 1 |
The purchase order history category determines whether data frominvoice verification and/or logistical invoice verification is takeninto account. At present, only invoice verification is supported.
The parameter "calculate to the day" controls the calculation of thedays between customs clearance and payment due date. If you do not setthe flag, the number of additional months will be multiplied by 30. Ifyou set the flag, the period between the local date and the baselinedate for payment will be determined.
The parameter "dialog control" determines whether the print parametersare taken from the user master record or whether you should enter themmanually.