SAP Program RVEXJP01 - Export Declarations to MITI - Japan

With this program, you select export invoices and then print the exportreport for references in MITI.
The MITI report is a declaration for reporting exports with a valuegreater than 5 million yen to the Japanese Ministry of Trade andIndustry (MITI).

The Japanese government uses this declaration for currency control andstatistical purposes.
You must print the each MITI Export Report on a special form (YushutsuHoukokusho) provided by the authorities. Print three copies and givethem to the Japanese customs authorities after the customs inspectionis completed. The customs authorities keep the original and one of theduplicates. They check and stamp the second duplicate and return it tothe exporter. They forward the original to MITI and the duplicate tothe Ministry of Finance.

You can use this report to print MITI Export Reports in either of thefollowing ways:

  • Using output control for billing documents to print the report with
  • reference to a single billing document
    • Printing multiple export reports for billing documents meeting the
    • selection criteria

      The MITI Export Report contains the following data:

      • Name and address of the shipper

      • Ship-to party

      • Commodity code

      • Freight category number

      • Official bank confirmation on foreign currency

      • Items and quantity

      • FOB value and total invoice amount

      • Currency

      • Means of payment

      • Date of payment

      • Number of the valid export license issued by MITI (if applicable)