SAP Program RVEXEARF - Legal Control: Determine Foreign Percentages in Bills of Material

This program determines the percentage share of foreign materialcomponents and stores these values in table ECCN. You can use thevalues during legal control for making a license obligatory insituations in which a foreign percentage exceeds a certain thresholdvalue. The latter depends on the country grouping.

The fields in the boxes "Update control" and "Output control" have thefollowing meanings:
"Last update earlier than": The system preselects only materials thatwere last updated before the specified date.
"Test run": The system only issues the log. There is no update.
"Issue 0% lines": In the log, the system also issues all materials forwhich the calculation was carried out without problems and the resultwas zero. This means that they do not contain a foreign percentage forthe relevant country.

You should maintain the following data:
Bills of material in Production Planning (PP)
Legal regulations (table T606G): You need to create alegal regulation for which this calculation is to be valid.
In this list, set the indicator BOM check.
Also maintain the country for which this calculation isto be carried out.
Percentage rate of the country grouping (table T606E):Create the country grouping and maintain the relevantpercentage rates for this legal regulation.
Country of origin of the material components: Maintainthe country of origin for the material components in the materialmaster.
Maintain the export control class of the materialcomponents for the relevant legal regulations.
Maintain the sales view in the material master for the header materialof the bill of material.
Optional: If you want the system to carry out the calculation by usingvalues other than the material prices in the material master, you needto maintain condition ECCN for the relevant materials.

The system issues a list which displays the relevant materials and thestatus regarding calculation. The traffic light colors have thefollowing meanings:
Green: The calculation has been carried out. There are no problems.
Yellow: The calculation has been carried out. There are no problems.
The system uses the material prices because condition ECCN
has not been maintained.
Red: The calculation has been terminated; the error is described
in the log.