SAP Program RVEXDEIS - AERP: File Creation for Export - USA

This report generates a list and/or file of export billing documentdata for an AERPdeclaration for submission to the statistical authorities.
You can transfer the AERP declaration to the authorities in three ways:

  • Direct EDI computer transmission

  • Magnetic tape

  • Diskette
  • Integration
    Report RVEXSE00 selects the relevant data from theSD documents and writes it to the intermediate database VESED.
    This report processes the relevant data based on the correspondingregulations and saves it in a UNIX file. This file forms the basis forcreating a magnetic tape or diskette for the AERP.
    You use report RVEXNAID to create a diskette versionto send to the statistical authorities.

    Before creating this file, you must select relevant export data fromthe corresponding Sales and Distribution (SD) billing documents.

    For this report, you can select fields which cause the system to takeexports which require and/or do not require declaration in theShipper's Export Declaration into account.
    You can also indicate whether the declaration is from an exporter or aforwarding agent.
    The use of these fields is described fully in the F1 field help on theinitial screen of the report.

    On the initial screen of the report, you determine how the output willoccur.

    • If you select Aggregate data, this reduces the volume of data to
    • be declared by grouping document items with identical characteristicstogether into only one item. The system adds quantities and values ofthe individual items accordingly.
      • If you select Issue list, the system displays the data on the
      • screen. You can also print this list.
        • If you select Issue as file, you can transfer the data selected
        • to a diskette or to your PC hard drive. When you transfer the data to afile, the system creates the file with the name you provide.
          Display variants determine the list format in which the data is issued.