SAP Program RVEXCH00 - V.A.R.: Select export billing documents - Switzerland

This report selects data from billing documents relevant to theVereinfachte Ausfuhrregelung (VAR) (simplified export regulation). Itwrites the data to the intermediate database VEXAV for creating theVAR declaration later on.The VAR is submitted monthly to the Swiss export authorities.
Later, once you have selected the data using this report, you cancreate the VAR itself on paper, as a file on your hard disk or on adiskette.

Entry parameters on the initial screen of the report include:
Selection criteria
You can select billing documents according to:
Billing document number
Company code
Country of destination
Date of creation of the billing document
Types of billing documents
You can choose to select:
Cancellation invoices
Debit memos
Pro forma invoices
Credit memos
Cancellation credit memos
Intercompany billing
IV credit memos
CH EXPORT - General
Here, you enter the reporting month, reporting year, country where thedeclaration must be submitted and the declaration currency (usually,Swiss Franks).
Log type: You can either start this report as a test run or anupdate run. The system does not store selected data in a file for atest run. You can also control the output of a selection log or of anincompletion log (error log).

The billing documents selected include those:

  • With an "Export" indicator

  • For shipments leaving Switzerland

  • Dated within the selected period

  • Relevant to FI

  • Already in FI

  • Depending on the choice of indicators for the incompletion log, thefollowing data appears on the screen:
    • Selection log

    • Selection log, sorted by
    • commodity codes
      • Incompletion log

      • Key to incompletion log

119317VOC charge as of 01/01/2000 in Switzerland