SAP Program RVEXBSST - Foreign Trade: Set Print Status for Foreign Trade Output

Set Print Status for Foreign Trade Output

This report allows you to set the output print status for special caseprocessing of foreign trade documents.
When you issue Foreign Trade documents initially as a printout, you usereport RVEXSBPR.
You use special case processing if a document was successfully outputbut problems occurred during subsequent processing, that is, outsidethe data processing system. The document is retained in the system andyou can re-start processing.

You have sent the document to the printer successfully but the paperhas torn in the printer so you want to cancel the printout and startagain.
Because you need to verify the documents that have been printed out,you must cancel the output using special case processing. After youhave cancelled it, you can then print the document again by entering anew output in the billing document and outputting it with the printtransaction.

You configure the settings for printing export documents inCustomizing for Foreign Trade.
On the initial screen you must enter the billing document that requiresspecial processing.

In the Output type field on the initial screen, youcan display the different types of output for a billing document in alist. You can then select the output you would like to print from thislist.
The field Transmission medium determines how theoutput will be produced. The transmission medium in this case is aprinted document.