SAP Program RVEXAU04 - Legal control: AG11 Declaration for German Export office

This report selects all orders that are relevant for declaration to theBureau of Export Administration (BAFA). The declarations must besubmitted semiannually.
There are three types of orders:

  • Normal exports

  • Direct deliveries

  • The system considers an order item to be a normal export if theultimate consignee and the sold-to party are identical. If an ultimateconsignee was not entered at the header level or the item level, thesystem checks whether the sold-to party and ordering party areidentical. If a consignee exists, the system does not check the ship-toparty. If the ultimate consignee or ship-to party are not identical tothe ordering party, the system interprets the order item as a directdelivery.
    In the case of normal exports, you can combine several items by usingthe "Aggregate data" parameter. Normal exports are usually sent inaggregated form to BAFA (German Federal Export Office). The systemaggregates all order items with identical export list number andship-to party. The system does not aggregate direct deliveries.

    If you have selected the "Issue log" parameter, the system displays theresults as a list that contains the following:

    • Export list number

    • Sold-to party

    • Ultimate consignee

    • Order item number

    • Business transaction type

    • Material number

    • Net value

    • Internal and external license number

    • License type

    • If you do not want to display this data in a log, the system displays amessage to inform you that a file was created with the name youprovided.

      Using the "Display document" function, you can branch directly to thedisplay transaction for the respective order and using the "Displaylicense" function you can branch directly to the display transactionthe respective license. To do this, you must have positioned the cursoron a line.
      If you aggregated several order items, you can branch to the detaildisplay of aggregated documents by pressing the magnifier on thecorresponding line.
      If the system created a file, you can branch directly to the reportthat creates a diskette for BAFA ("Download" function"). For this, youneed to make a note of the file name that you assigned to the file,since you need to reenter the file name for this report.