SAP Program RVEXAK30 - Monitoring Financial Documents: Available Financial Documents

This report determines all financial documents according to yourselection criteria.

When you have entered the selection criteria, the system creates a listwhich contains the following financial document data:

  • Internal financial document number

  • External financial document number

  • Financial document category

  • Financial document type

  • Status

  • Total value

  • Bank key of the opening bank

  • Sold-to party

  • Ship-to party

  • Validity period

  • Latest shipping date

  • Presentation date
  • Note
    You can specify how the list is sorted. If you place the cursor on acolumn and choose the "Sort ascending" function, the system sorts andissues the list according to the values of this column.
    In addition, you can place the cursor on a document number in the firstcolumn in the list (internal financial document number) to branchdirectly into the display transaction for the relevant financialdocument.