SAP Program RVCASM01 - ?...

Program RVCASM01 carries out a sales promotion (direct mailingcampaign, collectively generated sales activities). The program cannotbe performed directly. It must be performed within the outputprocessing environment. The corresponding standard output is outputMAAK (direct mailing campaign with or without follow-up activity) andMAKO (create only follow-up activities). The program is not run if itis started at send time '4' (send immediately). This is also notallowed for SAP standard output MAAK and MAKO.
Normal procedure
For each address block by address,
a correspondence is printed
a follow-up activity is created if the corresponding sales promotioncontains the follow-up activity type, the follow-up date, and a copyingrule (if no copying rule exists, the program is terminated) and if therelevant output is used.
If sample enclosures are defined and an order type is maintained forenclosures in the control table for sales support document types, asales order with reference to the sample enclosures is created. Thequantities are multiplied by the number of recipients. The partnerfunction 'AG' (sold-to party) must be maintained in the salespromotion. The marketing department usually takes on this role. If noorder type is specified in the control table for enclosures, the systemdoes not create an order.
After the first address block has been processed, the sales promotionis assigned the status 'In process' (system status - internal status -2). After the last address block has been processed, the salespromotion is assigned the status 'Completed' (system status - internalstatus - 3).
Procedure for preview
The correspondence for the first address in the address list is shownon the screen.
Procedure for reprint
The correspondence is reprinted for all addresses (no follow-upactivities are created,....).
Reaction when processing is terminated
If the program is terminated for any reason, the output must be issuedagain (after the error has been corrected). You can do this inCustomizing by setting the repeat processing indicator for the output.The output can then be repeated on the output screen of the salesactivity. The program continues processing at the point where itterminated. Therefore, correspondences, follow-up activities, and theorder for the enclosures are not created more than once.
The program creates a log which can be accessed in the sales activityfrom the output screen. This is of particular help when errors occur.

Before the program or the output can be performed, the correspondingsales activity must have the status RELEASED.
Source of error: The status RELEASED must be assigned to the systemstatus - internal status '1' (Customizing). Errors can arise here ifCustomizing is incorrectly set up or clients have been incorrectlycopied.

153328Title faxing sales activities and mailing campaigns