SAP Program RVBFB001 - Deletion of batch where-used records that cannot be evaluated

Deletion of batch-where used records that cannot be evaluated

Table CHVW contains flow records for batches. Up until now, movementsthat cannot be evaluated in the batch where-used list were also logged.These include data records with the following criteria:

  • Batch number is not known

  • Plant does not require batch tracing

  • Status changes only

  • Transfer postings with ...

  • Receiving batch is not known
    Receiving plant does not require batch tracing
    Transfer postings within a plant without changing the material numberor batch number
    Report RVBFB001 checks all the available batch where-used records, anddeletes them if any of the above criteria are fulfilled!

    The batch where-used records are either created at the same time aseach material posting or are subsequently created using report RM07MCHW/ transaction MB57. The update function module in report SAPMM07M (Formbatch where-used list) and the report RM07MCHW have been changed sothat no new data records that cannot be evaluated are subsequentlycreated. Refer to note 129455.


    • Report RM07MCHW has a test mode, which you can use to estimate the
    • number of data records that are to be deleted and the length of time itwill take to run the report.
      • It always issues a short summary log of the data records that are to be
      • deleted or that have been deleted.
        • The system can create a detailed log of the data records that are to be
        • deleted/ that have been deleted. The log is stored in the data filespecified.

          As table CHVW can sometimes be very large, you can expect it to take along time to run. Various measures have been taken to restrict the sizeof the work areas, particularly for large systems (batch where-usedlists that are in gigabytes).
          You can use the 'Commit counter' parameter to influence the run-timeand the required working memory. By increasing the commit counter, therun-time is decreased, whereas the required working memory isincreased. Try the standard requirement in the test mode first!
          A program termination does not create inconsistencies!