Short description of batch where-used list archiving:
Batch where-used records are grouped by material number/batch. Thisgroup can only be archived at the same time. The system only archivesbatch where-used records whose batch master records have already beenarchived. This ensures that the batch where-used records for a givenbatch are all located in one archive. This is imperative for workingwith archive data subsequently.
Preselection: To reduce the data volume of an archiving run, you canlimit the data selection for the material and the plant (selection byplant for batch level only = 'plant' offered!).
Archiving concept for 'batch where-used records'
1. Creating archive files: To do this, the system searches for allbatch where-used records whose batch master records have already beenarchived. It then checks for each batch that the last posting tookplace before the date entered ('last posting date before ...') If thisis not the case, the system exempts the batch in question fromarchiving!
Grouped by material number/batch, the batch where-used records are thenwritten in the archive file.
2. In the second step (depending on whether the system is set at manualor automatic), the archive data is deleted from the database and anarchive index is created!
3. Reading from archive files:
4. Evaluations using the archive files:
Report for writing the archive: RVBARCHW
Report for deleting the relevant data in the database: RVBARCHD
Report for compiling index data from archive files: RVBARCHI
Report for reading archive data: RVBARCHR
Report for reloading archive data: RVBARCHB
You can maintain or display the structure of the object 'MM_CHVW' withthe transaction AOBJ! You call up this program via transaction SARA.

448619Termination report RVBARCHD in test mode