SAP Program RVADTR01 - Print program: Bill of lading CMR

CMR - bill of lading

The shipment must contain a leg with the leg indicator 'direct leg' or'preliminary' leg.
The CMR-bill of lading is currently only printed for the first leg withthe leg indicator 'direct leg' or 'preliminary leg'.
Texts with Ids 'CMR05', 'CMR13', 'CMR18', 'CMR19' are printed for items5, 18, 13, 19. Assign a text procedure containing these text ids to thethe shipment types for which you want to print the CMR bill of lading.

In the detail section, the data is organized as follows:

  • Materials are summarized as commodity codes and printed. The materials
  • are summarized to the full commodity code, but printing is only carriedout for the first eight places. At item 9, the commodity codedescriptio n is printed.
    • Materials for which no commodity code is maintained are summarized
    • using their material number. At item 9, the material description isprinted.
      • Shipping units are summarized in terms of shipping materials. The
      • highest shipping units in the packing hierarchy that aren't means oftransport are taken into account. If the number of shipping units (to ameans of transport) is 1, then the external identification for theshipping unit (item 6) is also printed in addition to the descriptionof the shipping material.
        • Weight (item 11) or volume (item 10) is displayed as follows:

        • for material entries - the total gross weight or volume of the material
          for shipping unit data - the total tare weight or volume of theshipping unit
          In item 21 the place description is printed from the address in thetransportation planning point and the current date (printing date).
          Items 17, 15, 20 are not currently printed.