SAP Program RVADRSEL - Standard address selection report < Release 4.0

This report selects addresses and creates an address list.
You can influence which addresses it includes in the list in the field'Address selection range'. If you select several address categories,the system only takes into account those addresses found first.
Eg.: Address selection range -------
X Home address
X Other business address
X Other business address
If a home address is defined for a contact person, the system selectsit. If there is no home address, the system selects the businessaddress. If no contact person is defined for the customer, the customeraddress is selected. Not all address categories selected are processed.This example also shows which partner is taken into account for theaddresses. In the case of home and business addresses, it is always theselected contact person. In the case of customer addresses, it is thecustomer which the system finds.
You can limit the range of addressees the customer/sales prospectselection criteria.
When you mark the customer flag, all customers are selected who are notsales prospects and whose account group includes the sold-to partyfunction.

The number under which the address list is managed must already exist.

The address list is saved under this number in table INDX.