SAP Program RVADKE01 - Print Program for Picking Labels

Report RVADKE01 creates picking labels for a delivery. This report isstarted by output determination in the SD component. In a first step,the report creates a start label for each delivery which containsgeneral data pertaining to the entire delivery. In addition, the reportcreates a start and an end label with item-specific data for each item.Depending on quantity conversion, the report creates picking labels foreach item. If the picking labels are printed, the system regards theitem as picked.
Report RVADKE01 applies the following quantity conversion procedure:
The unit of delivery is converted into the unit of issue - which youcan maintain in the storage view of the material master - if the unitof issue can contain the unit of delivery.
Unit of issue = box (20 pieces)
Unit of delivery = carton (10 pieces)
For a delivery quantity of 10 cartons, 5 labels will be created for thebox unit of measure.
For a delivery quantity of 28 pieces, 9 labels (1 box label and 8 piecelabels) will be created.
If the unit of issue cannot contain the unit of delivery, no quantityconversion will take place. For example, if the unit of delivery is thepallet (100 pieces), one label (1 pallet label) will be created for adelivery quantity of 1 pallet.
Report RVADKE01 can optionally use form SD_PICK_LAB or SD_PICK_LAB_TXT.The only difference between these two forms is that in SD_PICK_LAB_TXTthe descriptive texts for the data on the labels are included in theprintout (such as material, plant, storage location, and so on).
Of course, you can print other data on the labels than that pre-definedin the standard system. To do this, copy the report and the forms andchange them as required.
You can change the layout of these forms using the general word-processing features for forms (transaction SE71). A picking labelcorresponds exactly to one page window on the form. This page windowbelongs to window type Main. In the layout proposed, a page of theGerman standard paper size DIN A4 contains 18 page windows arranged in2 columns of 9 labels each. Each label has a width of 10 cm and aheight of 6 lines. You can change this layout by adjusting the width,height and left and upper margin as required. Make sure that the pagewindows do not overlap and that all page windows belong to window typeMain. Other window types are not allowed unless the print program ismodified.
It is possible for you to print all data from the database on thelabels. To do this, choose the text elements function of the Main pagewindow when maintaining the form. Specify the database fields that youwant to print on the label. Be aware that the print program needs to bemodified in order to fill the fields with data.
You can also use the text elements function to determine the sequenceof the individual fields on the label. Check the changes you have madeusing the form check function. Whenever a form is changed, you mustreactivate it afterwards. Save and activate the form.

Customize output determination for SD in a way that program RVADKE01 isstarted with FORM routine ENTRY and form SD_PICK_LAB or SD_PICK_LAB_TXTwhen picking lists are printed. Perform pricing for the deliveringplant and the materials so that the retail price can be printed on thelabels. Maintain the unit of issue in the storage view of the materialmaster. If you do not maintain the unit of issue, quantity conversionis not possible.

Depending on the form layout, the report generates a list of labels.You can display this list on the screen or print it.