SAP Program RVADES01 - ISR Print

The ABAP controls the printing of payment orders along with the layoutset RVESR01. Printing takes place on a continuous form printer.
Customer who are to receive payment orders require the output ESR0 tobe entered in their master record. In the standard version ESR0 isconfigured so that printing is initiated by RSNAST00.
The reference number on the payment order is made up of a customernumber as well as the number of the accounting document. The incomingpayments on the PTT diskette can be identified by this data and usingRFESR100/RFESR00 transferred to FI. If the SD billing documetn has notbeen created yet, the data will not be passed on to FI. '000..' will beentered as the accounting document number.

Output type: Output ESR0 must be linked with ABAP RVADES01 and layouttype RVESR01. Outpu ESR0 must be entered in the customer master ofcustomers who are to receive payment orders.
Customer number: As this is part of the reference number and is used tocalculate the check number, it must be numeric.
Printer: Continuous form with OCRB type
Printer font: The print control ID must be defined for the requestedprinter type and OCRB.
Spool administration: It must be defined as followed:
Print control: The print control ID must be defined in the requestedprinter type.
Page format ESR (portrait, width 86 CH, length 25 LN)
Processing type ESR (format ESR, portrait):
processing type ESR must be set as follows for the requested printertype:
- Initializ.printer: Page length = 25 lines
- Title page: Add 1 comment line (this means the standard title page
is suppressed).
Layout set RVESR01: The address as well as the account number must beentered in the window.