SAP Program RV56TRTR - VT04: Maintain data that is to be included in the shipment

Report RV56TRTR
This report, in itself, has no functionality. Its selection screenserves practically only as a 'carrier' of 'data and options' in theframework of collective processing VT04 (see alsoPushbutton 'Functional procedure' on the selectionscreen of this report).
The entries made here can be stored as selection variants. Theseselection variants are identified as 'data profile' and are subse-quently read, for example, during collective processing execution (withfunctional module SD_SHIPMENT_PRF_DATA_READ) and then processed (in thefunctional moduleSD_SHIPMENT_POPULATE_DOCUMENT).
The definition of the selection screen is relatively complicated anduses, among other things, Macros. These are docu-mented in the coding.
The data is present on two levels:

  • As complex data categories (from TYPE-POOL VT04):

    This data category is a table comprised of:
    Table name
    Field name
    • As parameter of the report

    • These serve in the actual storing of data in the database as selectionvariants.
      For PBO (or better: AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT), identi-fications for the data of the selection screen are subsequently read(e.g., identification of the shipping type, name of the service agent,etc.). This happens with the functional moduleSD_SHIPMENT_HEADER_DESCRIPTION.Additionally, fields are set as not ready for input (e.g., the statuspush buttons).
      for PAI (or better: AT SELECTION-SCREEN), the processingof USER-COMMANDS is carried out first (e.g., whether a push button waspressed). Thereafter, a conversion of the paramenters into the complexdata category is executed. this is then exported into memory and can(for example, with the read of the variant), be picked up after theSUBMIT. The complex data category forms the basisfor further processing, e.g., in the functional moduleSD_SHIPMENT_POPULATE_DOCUMENT.
      This only roughly presents the functional principle. Further detailsare documented in the coding.
      For more information on collective processing, seehere.