SAP Program RV56TRSP - Definition of separat.criteria, capacity limits, and sort sequences

Report RV56TRSP
In itself, this report has no functionality. Its selection screenserves practically only as a 'carrier' of collection criteria in theframework of collective processing VT04 (see also pushbutton 'Functional procedure' on the selectionscreen of this report.
The entries made here can be stored as selection variants. Theseselection variants are identified as 'collection profile' and are, forexample, subsequently read during the execution of collectiveprocessing (with functional module SD_SHIPMENT_PRF_SPLT_READ) and thenprocessed (in the functional moduleSD_SHIPMENT_COMBINE_DELIVERIES)
The definition of the selection screen is relatively complicated anduses, among other things, Macros. These aredocumented in the coding.
The data is present in three levels:

  • As complex data categories (from TYPE-POOL VT04):

  • These data categories are used in all more complex operations (e.g., inthe deletion or creation of a selection criterion). Processing isbased on complex data categories during the actual execution ofcollective processing.
    Split criteria: VT04_SPLIT_CRITERIA
    Sort criteria: VT04_SORT_CRITERIA
    Capacity criteria: VT04_CAPACITY_CRITERIA
    • As invisible SELECT-OPTIONS, etc.

    • These serve in the actual storing of data in the database as selectionvariants. The reason is that, for example, the number of splitcriteria is not restricted, yet the number of lines on the screen is.The selection screen, therefore, always shows only a partial picture ofthe existing specifications.
      • As visible fields on the selection screen (parameters, etc.).

      • With each push of a button, a permanent conversion is carried outbetween these data categories:
        • PBO (or better: AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT):

        • Invisible select options --> Complex data categories
          (Form move_selopt_to_global)
          Complex data categories --> Invisible Select-Options
          (This happens only for security.)
          (Form move_global_to_selopt)
          Complex data categories --> Visible Select-Options
          (Form move_global_to_screen)
          • PAI (or better: AT SELECTION-SCREEN):

          • Visible Select-Options --> Complex data categories
            (Form move_screen_to_global)
            Complex data categories --> Invisible Select-Options (Formmove_global_to_selopt)
            For each split and sort criterion, one can maintain further detail info(so-called groupings) with the [..=>]-button. In this case, a pop-upappears which is generated with the functional moduleDYN_FIELD_MAINTAIN_GROUPING
            This roughly presents the functional principle. Further details aredocumented in the coding.
            For more information on collective processing, seehere.