SAP Program RV56TRSL - Check in Shipments

This report is used at many various points and primarily serves in theselection of shipments and their presentation as a list, which isconstructed using the general list viewer ALV. Thisreport performs the following tasks:

  • Send selection screen

  • Selection of shipments

  • List presentation of selected shipments

  • Interactive reporting: Branching into documents, setting status
  • 'Registered' / 'Completed' directly from the list and much more...
    The report is called in the following environment:
    • MRP list :VT11

    • Completion list :VT12

    • Registation list :VT16

    • F4 help for shipment number: Self-programmed F4 help which allows the
    • selection of multiple shipments (instead of only one as in the stan-dard).
      • Freight charges collective processing (worklist) VI04:
      • Shipments from which freight charges are to be generated can beselected here.
        Individual variants differ in selection criteria, fields visible on thescreen and functions available to the user in the list.
        Technically, the individual call-up variants are controlled separatelyvia the parameter 'mode': The report is never directly started. It isalways called up by another program and specified to the report of theexecution mode:
        • In the case of VT11, VT12 and VT16, this happens via the following
        • call-up cascade: VT11/12/16 (Parameter transaction) calls VT10 (reporttransaction) and specifies the mode. VT10 starts a start report (whichtakes over selection variant management and starts the report with avariant) and makes a submit on this report: Mode is a selectionparameter of the report which is set to "invisible".
          • In the case of F4 Help: The function module sd_f4_extended does not
          • call the entire RV56TRSL report, rather only the two central formroutines shipments_read and shipment_display and specifiy the mode.This varying procedure is necessary in order to prevent a new roll areafrom being opened. For F4 help, the selection screen should bepresented as a dialog box. If the report were started via a submit andits selection screen presented as a dialog box, the main screen (fromwhich the F4 help was started) would be gray (all fields previouslypresented gone) since a a new roll area was opened by the dialog box.The procedure for calling up a functional module is a little different,however: no new roll area is opened, the main screen remains and theuser does not lose the context.
            At the relevant places within the report, parameter 'mode' and theprogram flow are controlled separately (layout of the selection screen,layout of the field catalogue for lists ...).
            The central form routines are:
            • Shipments_read: Reading of the shipments selected in the selection
            • screen. This form routine is controlled completely by parameters sinceit is also called up from outside the report (see above).
              • Shipment_display: Present the shipments in the shipment list

              • User_command: Return routine for ALV, in which user commands are
              • processed.

801419Performance problems in shipment (cost) processing
547010Missing information in printed lists
458732Error messages during GI posting via shipment completion