SAP Program RV54FRSL - Shipment Costs List: Select and Display Objects

This report is used in several different places and is used mainly for
the selection of shipment cost documents (headers and items) and theirrepresentatin as a list. The list is created with the general listviewer GLV. The following tasks are carried out inthis report:

  • Transmit selection screen

  • Selection of documents

  • List representation of the selected documents

  • Interactive reporting: Branch to shipment cost document, corresponding
  • shipments, purchase orders, conditions, etc.
    The report is called in the following environment:
    • Shipment costs settlement : VI11

    • Shipment costs calculation : VI12

    • Shipment costs change worklist : VI05

    • Shipment costs invoice check : MR01

    • The individual variants differ in the selection criteria, the fields inthe list and the functions that are provided for the list.
      Technical info:
      The individual call variants are controlled using the parameter 'mode'.The report is never started directly, but always called by anotherprogram (for further information, see: RV56TRSL).The parameter mode is determined at various points within the reportand the program run is controlled (setup of selection screen, setup ofthe field catalog for the list...).
      The central FORM routines are:
      • Freight_object_key_read & Freight_object_read: Read the shipment cost
      • document (header and item)
        • Freight_object_display: Representation of the selected documents

        • User_command: Return routine for ALV, in which the user commands are
        • processed.

842299Transport planning point authorization check 'V_VTTK_TDS'