SAP Program RV433C40 - Conversion MAILING address lists from 3.0B/3.0C to 4.0

This applies to direct mailing campaigns in sales support:
Program RV433C40 converts INDX into transparent tables. As of 4.0, nodata will be kept in INDX tables.

In RV432021, enter the quantity of sales support documents (directmailing campaigns) for which you want to convert address lists. Theaddress lists to be converted are determined automatically when theuser finds an address list in the direct mailing that still uses theINDX table.

In order to install 4.0, you must have at least 3.0B. If you do nothave 3.0B, you should use the converter programs which will update yoursystem to 3.0B.

The program issues a message how many address blocks/addresses havebeen converted.

747469Conversion to SAP List Viewer - ERP Operations ECC 5.00