SAP Program RV21A010 - Payment Cards: SD Documents - Authorization in Background

This program has been designed for batch authorization.
It lists, using the selection criteria entered here, all opensales orders with payment cards. It then reauthorizes them in batchbased on the credit check.

Depending on your selections, you may need a database secondary index.
If you are authorizing sales orders whose dates lie within theauthorization horizon, you may have to create an index for thetable VBAK.
When creating an index, please note that the field 'Next Check Date'(VBAK-CMNUP) is very descriptive for an index. Always include the field'Client' (MANDT) as the first field in your index.

The log, that you request by setting the log indicator, lists thecredit status after the credit check.

  • You want to select all sales orders whose dates lie within the
  • authorization horizon.
    In the Next check field, select today's date or past dates. Whenthe initial date (00000000) is excluded, only open sales orders areselected.
    • You want to select only those sales orders that have been blocked,
    • independent of date.
      In the Overall credit status field, select the value "B".

914811FAQ: Authorisation Problems - Why?
843642Dump when you execute the RV21A010 report
326787Performance during mass processing of sales documents
210581Always new authorization when creating delivery
161903Deliveries blocked because of missing authorization