SAP Program RV16ACHD - Change documents for conditions

* CHANGE DOCUMENT DISPLAY FOR CONDITION RECORDS************************************************************************
This program is used for the display of change documents for conditionrecords.
First, the program RV16xCHD (x = condition usage) is invoked. Uponexecution, the function module SD_CONDITION_CHANGE_DOCS_LOAD is called.The purpose of this function module is to read the change documenttables CDHDR and CDPOS and load 2 internal tables that will be usedwhen writing change document data to the screen. These tables are:
I_LEVEL1: This table consists of "change header" data:
- the date and time of the change
- the user & transaction code making the change
- info about the condition (type, table, etc.)
I_LEVEL2: This table consists of "change item" data:
- the table and fieldname that was changed
- a text description of the change
- the "before" and "after" values for the field
Each record in table I_LEVEL1 may have 1 or many associated records intable I_LEVEL2. Each record in table I_LEVEL2 must have at least 1associated record in table I_LEVEL1. After loading the tables, controlis returned to RV16xCHD.
Upon initial execution of RVxCHD and anytime thereafter when the userinvokes an action (double click on a line, sort, print, etc.) thefunction module SD_CONDITION_CHANGE_DOCS_DISPL is executed. Thisfunction module reads the internal tables: I_LEVEL1, I_LEVEL2 andI_LEVEL3 and writes change document data to the screen in a hierarchialformat. Also in this function module, the internal table I_LEVEL3 isloaded with data from "related changes". A related change means thatthe validity period of 1 condition was changed and this resulted in thesystem automatically making a change to the validity period of anothercondition record. This philosophy of "related changes" stems from thefact that only 1 condition record can be active for any 1 date.Currently, there are 4 ways in which the validity period for 1condition record can be automatically changed by another:
1) The validity period of the new (or changed) condition record fullyoverlaps an existing record.
EXISTING (valid 7/1/95-07/31/95) /-----/
NEW (valid 1/1/95-12/31/95) /-----------------/
The existing condition record will be deleted, resulting in:
RESULT (valid 1/1/95-12/31/95) /-----------------/
2) The validity period of the new (or changed) condition is fullyoverlapped by an existing record.
EXISTING (valid 1/1/95-12/31/95) /-----------------/
NEW (valid 7/1/95-07/31/95) /-----/
The existing condition record will be split, resulting in:
RESULT (valid 1/1/95-06/31/95) /---//------//----/
valid 7/1/95-07/31/95
valid 8/1/95-12/31/95
3) The starting date of the new (or changed) condition overlaps intothe validity period of an existing record.
EXISTING (valid 1/1/95-12/31/95) /-----------------/
NEW (valid 7/1/95-07/01/96) /---------------/
The ending date of the existing condition is moved:
RESULT (valid 1/1/95-06/31/95) /---//----------------/
valid 7/1/95-07/01/96
4) The ending date of the new (or changed) condition overlaps into thevalidity period of an existing record.
EXISTING (valid 7/1/95-07/01/96) /---------------/
NEW (valid 1/1/95-12/31/95) /-----------------/
The begin date of the existing condition is moved:
RESULT (valid 1/1/95-12/31/95) /-----------------//--/
valid 1/1/96-07/01/96
The data written to the screen consists of 3 levels which can bedisplayed in a hierarchial format. Each of the 3 levels has its ownassociated internal table, from which the data is retrieved whenwriting to the screen.
level 1 = i_level1 - date of change, time, variable key...
level 2 = i_level2 - fields changed, old/new value
level 3 = i_level3 - changes made to/by other recs
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333914Subsequent settlement: performance collective note
155497Long response times for display of change documents