SAP Program RV15CC01 - Copying : Material Pricing Groups

This report is used for the 'Copying conditions' function. This meansthat data can be selected for adding new condition records.
On the selection screen, you will find information on the conditionswhich are to be copied. This information is found under'Characteristics of source conditions'. The condition table andcondition type of the copied condition record are always displayed. Inaddition, a data field (such as material pricing group) which isdefined in Customizing for copying conditions is displayed. The fielddefines the source condition(s) which is (are) to be copied. The 'Selecttarget field' section contains the target field. Either a specificvalue is selected or a complete list of values is displayed. From thelist you can copy all new values for the new condition records. If'Display list' is not marked, the system selects all values found onone of the program selections.
Under 'Characteristics of new conditions', you can define data for eachcondition record. For example, you can change the condition type. Byselecting F4 on the 'Target condit.type' field, you obtain a dialog boxcontaining the allowed condition types. You also can define thevalidity start and/or end date or none. This information is then copiedinto all new condition records.
A condition sort string can also be defined. The sort term is used atheader level. This means that all condition records which are createdare assigned to this term. As of 2.2, a secondary index can be createdwhich refers to this field. This facilitates the tracking of allcondition records which are created.

425072MEK4: Not possible to copy conditions with reference
747469Conversion to SAP List Viewer - ERP Operations ECC 5.00