SAP Program RV14ASIM - Document simulation

This program carries out 'document simulation'.
This document simulation is used according to standards in conditionmaintenance. If you edit condition records, before saving the newrecords you can calculate a realistic document item and compare this tothe results of an invoice on the basis of the condition records in thedatabase.
For this two calculations are carried out. In the first calculationcurrently processed records are used, and in case they are notcurrently being processed records from the database (Example: PricePR00 and discount K007 are in the pricing procedure. Price PR00 isbeing processed but discount K007 is not currently beiing processed. Inthe calculation the current value of PR00 and for K007 the record fromthe database is used). In the second calculation only condition recordsfrom the database are used. The comparison doesn't work for taxconditions.
When you call up the report separately, and not from conditionmaintenance, data from the database is used for the first and secondcalculation.
The session on the selection screen determines which release statusshould be used for the conditions.
For each material selected two calculations are carried out anddisplayed. If no output is created for the selected materials, checkwhether these materials are permitted for the selected data for salesorganization and distribution channel. If the materials are notpermitted, an error message is issued.

This program requires that in the system

  • the order type OR is defined

  • the billing type FX is defined

  • the item category DLN is defined

  • copying control for the combination FX - OR - DLN is defined

  • The standard data for the fields 'billing type', 'order type' and 'itemcategory' allows you to use individual copying control. In this respectyou should make sure that the created copying requirements defined incopying control and data transport routines are run through.
    These entries and objects are delivered according to the standard.
    Another prerequisite is that the specified pricing procedure usessubtotal 2 (KZWI2) to save the net price.
    The results are shown in a table. Descriptions : First invoice 'New',second invoice 'Old'.
    The table fields shown can be chosen individually and be specified in adisplay variant. On the output screen, choose the relevant subheadingsfrom the menu
    Settings -> Display variant. The setting 'Current' can be used toprocess the current variant. The setting 'Save' can be used to save thenew version.
    If you want to define a variant as a default variant on the selectionscreen, go to the display screen (output table) and proceed as follows:Choose the menu path Settings -> Display variant -> Management. Selectthe required variant and choose the menu path Edit - > Set displayvariant. Save the changes. (The new entry variant appears when you nextcall up the program.)