SAP Programs

Program Text
RTXWCHK4 Check All Control Totals in Data Extract
RTXWCNVT Data Retention tool: Convert logs to new logs
RTXWDELF DART: Delete data extracts
RTXWDELI DART: Delete Index Fields in Table TXW_C_STRC
RTXWDIR2NE Add entry for old extracts with codpage
RTXWDISF DART: Display data extract file records
RTXWDROP Data Retention Tool: Clear archive retrieval tables
RTXWGQ01 Do not use anymore : Generate program for data view query
RTXWISVW Copy views from source client
RTXWLGEX Data Retention Tool: Export extract file to archiv
RTXWLOG2_ADJUST_COMPCO Data Retention Tool: Adjust Company Code in extract log
RTXWLS01 DART: List extract segments, fields, source tables
RTXWMG01 DART: Merge two data extracts
RTXWQU01 DART: Data Extract Browser
RTXWQU01_NACC DART: Data extract browser
RTXWQU03 DART: Data view queries
RTXWQU04 Export segment to file
RTXWQU05 DART: Data extract splitter
RTXWQU06 DART: Associated data detector
RTXWSEGS DART: Configure data segments
RTXWSIZE Data Retention Tool: File size worksheet
RTXWSM3X Call Up View/View Cluster Maintenance Using Transaction Code
RTXWTASK Insert DART data into transport task
RTXWVAR01 Select layout for ALV display of file
RTXWVG01 DART: Generate program for data view query
RTXWVGTEMPLATE Template for view generation
RTXWVWL3 Read view query log (extract splitter files)
RTXWVWL4 Show View Data File
RTXXBWRL Reverse TCURR, TCURF Entries with BWAER Links for Exchange Rate Types
RTXXCATS DARTX Segment Catalog
RTXXLOG2 DARTX: Data Extract Browser
RTXXQU01 DARTX: Data Extract Browser
RTXXQU06 DARTX: Determine Environment for Data View
RTXXSM3X Call Up View/View Cluster Maintenance Using Transaction Code
RTXXVG01 DARTX: Generate Program for View Query
RTXXVW00 Execute Data View
RTXXVWLOG Data Views: Log Display
RTYPLENG List of Name Lengths for All Transportable Object Types
RT_CLMS_RTCM Selection on claims data
RT_POS_IMGINTERFACE Display of IMG structure for POS Interface
RT_TRACE_CALL_TREE Explosion of the Call Hierarchy of a Runtime Trace
RT_TRACE_PACKAGE_TREE Aggregation of Runtime Percentages by Package Hierarchy
RUDAEL01 Data Dictionary: Data Elements
RUDCC001 EDM Check the Consistency of Data Models
RUDCC101 EDM Check the Consistency of Data Models
RUDCRETR Report for Generating a Task and a Request for a Data Model
RUDDACT1 EDM Mass Activation of Text Modules
RUDDELLZ DM: Delete deletion indicator
RUDDUMS1 EDM Convert Old Documentation -> New EDM
RUDDUMS2 EDM Convert Text from Old -> New EDM (text-ID-related foreign lang.)
RUDELP01 Physically Delete EDM Tables
RUDELP04 Physically Delete/Activate Logically Deleted Clusters
RUDGRAPH Graphisches Abhängigkeitsnetz
RUDINF04 Paths from Kernel Entity Types to Marked Entity Types
RUDINF08 Abhängigkeitsgraph
RUDMAU01 List Report: Data Model-Entity Relationships
RUDMAU94 Create ADW Control Files
RUDMAU97 EDM List Display Entity - Cluster
RUDMDL00 Data Models
RUDMEN02 EDM - Start Report Cluster Maintenance
RUDMTRA1 Information Model Environment Analyzer
RUDMXI01 DM: Convert doc module for relationship
RUDMXI02 DM: Convert doc module for relationship - Add missing URL2
RUDOKU02 Documentation Maint.
RUDRP001 DM: Report - data model structure display
RUDSEL03 Report: Select EDM Tables by Date
RUDUSR01 DM: Interface for ADW
RUDUTI01 Entity Types List - Index to a Data Model
RUDUTI02 List and Download EDM Documentation Element
RUDUTI03 Information Model Environment Analyzer
RUDUTI04 Information Model: Create Transport Request (Table Contents)
RUDUTI05 Information Model: Create Transport Request for Docu. Objects
RUDUTI06 Change 'Created by' and 'Date' in EDM tables
RUDUTI07 Reset EDM Documentation from Vers. P->T
RUDUTI09 Delete EDM Structure Objects with a Specific Version
RUDUTI10 Compare TDM14 and TDM04
RUDUTI12 EDM Change Owner in EDM Tables TDM04, 06, 21, 28
RUDUTI13 UDM/DM Adjustment Customizing Flag Old EDM <-> new DM
RUDUTI50 EDM Pad Foreign Language Short Texts with German Short Texts
RUDUTI51 DM: Mass Activ. Prog. Docu. elements
RUDUTI52 Compare doc module English with header
RUDUTI53 DM: Change Master Language in TADIR
RUDUTI54 DM: Adjust Docu. Flag in Object Root with Docu. Element
RUDUTI55 DM: Compare doc. module with header (unreachable doc. module)
RUDVIINH DD: FORMs for Inheritance of Entity Views
RUDVSL03 Fetch Environment: Choose Entity Types
Lines 48601 to 48700 of 57103 entries
1 485 486 487 488 489 572